The biggest obstacle that I would find was tiredness. So I got a sheet of paper and I started writing down why I deserved that big meal or why I deserved watching TV or browsing the internet after work. On the back of that sheet I wrote what were all of the benefits that were going to come if I started working out. When I finished I realized that the reasons to not workout were a fewer than the benefits that would come if I started working out. This was one of my biggest motivation and I will keep being until I get the body that I want. Another big motivation for me was my grandfather who passed away because of his obesity problems, he was only 50 years old when he passed. Just thinking about the fact that I was making the same mistakes that my grandfather did, and I wasn't going to be able to see my grandchildren like he did, made me realize that I really needed to change and I needed to do it as soon as possible.
Anyway, now all that all the initial struggle is gone I can't wait to workout and the more I workout the more I feel better about myself. As you might have already understood the change is not only physical but it's psychological too. Your start feeling better about yourself, your self esteem goes up, you will start having more social skills and you insecurities will go away. There is no reason why you shouldn't do it, you've got nothing to lose after all. I can spend here hours and hours trying to motivate you but remember in this life you've got one thing and one thing only and that is self discipline. You are your biggest motivation, make yourself and your life the best show that people have ever seen. Find you motivation, set a goal and achieve it. That is all folks if you wanna start working out today here is a link that will teach you the basics. I will leave you with a video that I watch every day before hitting the gym.
Love it, definitely motivating. I've been needing to start working out and this post may have gotten me to actually do it.
yea this was me couple months ago, i decided to get up and start working out and 3 months later getting in great shape and feel so good about myself
Writing stuff down is always a great help to reach goals.
Agreed! :D
great post bro
mate that is all so true! so much is psychological. im same as you always looking for that excuse, but always feel so much better when ive just worked out(regularly) :D
I found it hard to motivate my self before when I started working out, but this still helped me alot. Thanks for the post!
Nice read! Some really good pointers there, will have to keep it in mind.
I've been working out for a year. The motivation is indeed the hardest part. Once you get a month or two in though, the progress is enough to keep you going!
I've been working out since I was in middle school, whether it be running or weight lifting. The workout high is amazing. Love the rush.
I agree with the tiredness being the only factor. I used to extremely lazy. Now I go to the gym regularly and try to eat healthier. It helps guys.
I appreciate these words. This post. It's the same inner battle I am going through right now.
this made me wanna go to the gym, see ya! :D
feel like hitting the gym :D
WOW, this got me so pumped and motivated. Im driving to the gym right now!
Thanks a bunch, just reading this pumped my to go work out again
its been over a week and im feelin lazy ahh
Thanks, I need this motivation.
Since I started going to the gym, Ive gotten from skinny weakling to a man, I feel better about myself and the chicks dig muscles. So guys, better hurry to the gym.
Wow, nice steps to try motivate yourself. I run into the same problems with laziness, this mindset/steps are helpful. Thanks!
This post is great!
I've got terrible, terrible problems with motivating myself to do anything. Fortunately, I'm skinny so at least obesity isn't a problem for my health, I also watch what I eat and avoid overeating. Not eating is easier than working out :/
Yeah, I used to have the same problems when I started working out, i was always tired and weak, I never felt like doing anything. After a while I realized I had to start getting healthier, and now I go to the gym 5 times a week. It's the best life style to choose, by far.
You actually made me get up and go, thanks! Brb, gym.
HELL YES, feeling pumped up!!
Awesome, same with me, once I started hittin the gym, I got my selfesteem up, my health both physical and mental have improved with a LOT. DO IT!
Great post, getting into good habits is the key!
still neeed to start working out :(
Yeah, this really applies to me. I usually opt for a nap instead of working out. :(
Thanks for the info!
I def feel motivated!
Great post.. Let me give you another motivation.. when you workout it shows that you care about yourself. Also your testosterone point reach high levels and girls can feel that somehow ;)
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