I've never been the kind of kid that studied. I've never felt the need to study maybe because all I was learning was a bunch of crap that I did not care about, maybe because I considered myself too smart for what I was studying; either way I never fit in with all the "good" kids of my town. When I was in High School every single time I woke up to go to school I felt like my day was going to be so unproductive and I have this thing that if I don't do something productive by the end of the day I start feeling "guilty" and I'll keep that depression-type felling for the whole night. Just lately I've discovered that if I do something physical, intellectual, social and work involving I feel balanced by the end of the day. Getting back to the topic, I kept living my life like a parasite, just because my parents were telling me to and because they approved of it. If it was up to me I would have never gone to college, even though I was studying stuff that I cared. I felt like my time was being wasted because those were facts that I could have learned just with a Google search. When I dropped out of college and got a job at a clothing shop in Washington I realized that I had been going through so much pain for nothing. School wasn't for me and it will never be. All the schools go around saying that they "prepare us for our future" when in reality they are just turning us into buckets filled with not useful knowledge. All they ever teach us about is humanistic concepts that wont turn into nothing. They are making us cultured people but they are not teaching me how to use it in order to "survive". What I mean by survive is make money, because at the end of the day what matters is money and everything we learn or know must turn into money, it's sad but it's true. So getting back to the original point (I know I ramble a lot) all I ever learned in school was notions that I've never used in my life. As I am laying here on my chaise long with a beautiful view of the Colosseum I am proud of myself for not being the typical American guy who goes on a hike on the weekend with his family. I broke the schemes, I was able to forget everything that was ever taught to me and I educated myself according to my schemes. I left everything I had in the US to start a new life and I have to say that I was worth it. I hope this inspires someone as just thinking about how much I have accomplished in the past year keeps motivating me.
If nothing motivates you, try this. |
for me school was not that big of problem until high school where i saw it as pointless and no use for me. Now im in college and studying for a career and I have desire to full-fill that major, hope it lasts though
I can relate to this
Balance is key. It's a rat race. The rat always dies in the end. So focus on living, and you'll be fine. Nice post.
great post mate. i very much agree with a fair few of your points, i however am an academic kid. but hate the useless crap we will never need to know that we get forced into us
I really hated all levels of school, really sucks that the gov't has to put you through all of that torture.
Reading this post has allowed me to make up my mind. Truly, truly thank you!!
The problem with schools (and it's sort of depressing to see that it's the same in both North and South America) is that, indeed, they prepare you for the future.
But not for your future-- they prepare you for every single future imaginable.
Why would a scientist want to spend their time at an art class? Why would a writer spend time learning algorithms?
School prepares "generic" students, instead of teaching them since a young age about topics and subjects that interest them, which makes them less and less hapy on the long run.
I know that an specific program for every student is way too utopical, but I think we, as a society, could do a lot better than we do now.
I can really relate to this. I've had this experience in the past where I felt very unproductive in the end of the day and feel guilt.
School was not for me either. Once I graduated high school I went straight to work and don't regret anything.
I felt exactly the same in high school. I hated it there. I hope that my time in college will be much better though.
Haha, I love the cartoon, man.
It definitely motivates me. I wanna do the same thing, but in Spain. This blog continues to inspire me.
I agree, but with kid's who Don't know what to even do at all, this is the best way :/
I wish I had the courage to do as you did.
OH GOD, you are so me, maan. The same, never quite studied in school, especially after a sertain point! True, true and true!
is the best I've seen in my life is way too good, is excellent, better than God, is better than anything, is better as it is better than my words.
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