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Sunday, August 14, 2011

The story of how I moved to Europe - Part 1

 I have to say that the best thing that ever happened to me was moving to Europe, Italy precisely. I love this country and I love the whole European "air" that I breath. While I was living in Washington my life was so boring, I'd spend my free time in front of my computer screen just browsing for absolutely nothing. My job was so boring that it got to the point where I fired myself and lived off of the money I spared. Long story short, I was unsatisfied with my life. I had only 1200 bucks left and I decided to buy my ticket to Italy with those money. Yeah you probably guessed it, I spent all my money on the plane ticket. When I came here I had nothing. But I planned out everything, my new life was going to begin now, and I was not going to screw up again. I mean, I had a lot of time to think and plan everything in minor details. But now it's 2am here and I'm felling kind of sleepy. I will continue in the next blog post. Ciao!


Alababi said...

can you change the font? It's really hard to read.

todd said...

very nice. i love italy too. spent time there and in germany. love it all. way to have some guts and just go for it!!! followed!

DWei said...

This sounds interesting, do continue.

Edwin Valdez said...

i've always wanted to move to europe

Unknown said...

I'll stick to America, but thanks for the info.

Scienide said...

Europe rocks man :) Welcome!

revilo251 said...

lmfao yes welcome to europe :P yh just got bak from italy actually awesum place i have to agree. hope everything works out for you (Y)

Ike Spokes said...

Welcome to Europe! :) I'm looking forward to see you'r next post!

Glassroof said...

PRetty impressive considering you spent all your money on the plane ticket. How on earth did you earn the money to live (as in basis living cost)?
pretty interesting +follow. ;)

forange said...

interesting, looking forward to the next part (how you got a job etc)


Good luck, Italy is a great country

Elliot MacLeod-Michael said...

Wow, that takes balls. Major props for doing that.

Ate Jo said...

You are kinda brave you know?! I like to do that also just don't have enough courage right now.. huh!

vitaminandmineralfacts said...

You got moxy, been fantasizing about doing this, hope it works out for you. I'll be reading, keep me updated.

vozic said...

Cool story.
I'd like to go to USA in such way :D
Pity that I actually can't

Unknown said...

Interesting, i would like to know some back of the story details. For example what's your education level and stuff like that.. You must had hopes on doing something specific when you decided to come here, it wouldn't be that great risk for you. Am i right?

Shona said...

You moved to Italy? How interesting, must be lovely there!

Anonymous said...

Always thought about doing the same thing, but could never bring myself to do it.

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